Data, Health Information, and Measurement

A pharmacist working on a computer

Digitizing Uganda’s Health Supply Chain

With support from USAID, MSH and Uganda’s Ministry of Health pioneered the country’s first electronic Emergency Logistics Management Information System, also known as eELMIS. The system provides real-time data on the availability of medicines and medical supplies at both national and district levels, raising local awareness on the power of data and enhancing abilities to use data to drive continuous improvement of supply chain performance and strengthen stewardship capabilities during any public health emergency. MSH, under the USAID Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity, is continuing to work with the Ugandan government to support the eELMIS during the COVID-19 response.

Improving Strategic Information for Decision Making

With up-to-date and reliable strategic information, providers can make sound decisions; individuals can take charge of their health; governments can better direct supplies and personnel; and health systems can have the information they need for strategic planning, financing, and policy development. We help governments and health facilities improve information systems by bolstering their foundations—data governance, collection, quality assurance, data warehousing, analysis, and presentation—as well as monitoring, evaluation, and learning efforts, to support effective decision making.