Rabia Sucu
Rabia Sucu
Senior Principal Technical Advisor, Health Policy and Financing

Dr. Rabia Sucu, MSH’s senior principal technical advisor for health policy and financing, leads the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and market access cluster within the health economics and financing (HEF) practice area of GHSI.
Before joining the HEF team, Dr. Sucu served as a principal technical advisor for pharmaceutical policy and governance for USAID’s Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines (SAFEMed) for Ukrainians Activity. In this role, she led efforts to institutionalize HTA in Ukraine, in addition to improving policies around priority setting, pharmaceutical pricing, and reimbursement strategies.
Prior to joining MSH, Dr. Sucu was the director of the Health Technology Assessment, Real World Evidence and Innovation Center at Ankara Numune Hospital in Ankara, Turkey, and a professor of family medicine. She served as the national clinical quality coordinator of the Turkish Ministry of Health, where she coordinated all activities in the country involving HTA, clinical guidelines, and quality. She also served on the pharmaceutical reimbursement committee for many years.
Dr. Sucu has contributed to numerous national and international projects around HTA, including the European Network for Health Technology Assessment and Adopting Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment. She served as president of the Turkish Evidence Based Medicine Society and chair of Eurasian HTA Initiative and is the current president of HTAi, the global HTA Society.
Dr. Sucu is a medical doctor specialized in family medicine and holds an MSc in HTA and associate degree in health care management. She has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and eight books and has delivered more than 300 scientific presentations at international meetings on HTA and other topics. She has more than 20 years of experience integrating HTA into health care reform efforts in Turkey, Ukraine, and other countries.