In partnership with countries around the world, we have developed hundreds of resources to help strengthen the foundations of health systems. Please search our Resources to learn more about our publications, research, programmatic approaches, tools, and learnings.

Strengthening Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Systems for Sustained Health Impact
For more than three decades, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) has partnered with countries to build high-performing supply chains that ensure reliable access to safe, effective, quality-assured medicines and people-centered pharmaceutical services. MSH takes a holistic approach that fosters country-led innovation, whole-of-society engagement and collaboration, private-sector engagement, and effective leadership and governance. This ensures both reliable, affordable access to and sustainable delivery of medical products when and where they are needed and their appropriate use to save lives and improve health.
Rapport final du programme ACCESS : Six ans de progrès en santé publique à Madagascar
Pendant six années, le programme Accessible Continuum of Care and Essential Services Sustained (ACCESS) a œuvré dans 14 régions de Madagascar pour att…
Impact régional : Les contributions d’ACCESS à l’amélioration des résultats de santé et des comportements à Madagascar
Fiches d’information ACCESS : Approches, stratégies et outils pilotés localement pour transformer le système de santé de Madagascar
Strengthening Guidelines for Childhood Tuberculosis to Accelerate Diagnosis and Treatment
To better understand whether childhood TB guidelines can inform the roles and responsibilities of maternal and child health providers and to identify …
mHealth Compendium Series Infographic
The African Strategies for Health (ASH) project has produced six volumes of the mHealth Compendium containing 167 profiles of mobile health (mHealth) …
A Review of Health-Related Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa
Increasingly a part of corporations’ business strategies, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an expression of the business desire to creat…
The Policy and Practice Divide for Childhood Tuberculosis in Africa: A Landscape Analysis
The USAID-funded African Strategies for Health (ASH) project undertook this childhood TB landscape analysis, to expand and centralize available inform…
Demand-Side Determinants to Integrated Community Case Management Care-Seeking
Many children in sub-Saharan Africa die before their fifth birthday from preventable causes, including malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia. Integrated co…
Community Health Worker Incentives in Malawi: Lessons Learned
In order for governments and organizations to adopt, implement, and scale up community health programs, knowledge of the wide typology of Community He…
Malaria in pregnancy: Improving access and use of quality preventive treatment
Due to its link to various complications during and after pregnancy, the prevention of malaria among pregnant women is an important strategy for reduc…
Health Care Financing Country Profiles
The African Strategies for Health project and MSH participated in the Financial Protection and Access to Care Workshop, held in Accra, Ghana February …

Facility Level Factors Influencing the Uptake of Intermittent Preventative Therapy for Malaria in Pregnant Women
Strengthening IPTP Service Delivery Through Facility Initiated Supervision
Lessons From a Quality Improvement Approach in Uganda Malaria contributes significantly to maternal mortality and morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Pre…
Use Of Technology In The Ebola Response In West Africa
The 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa is the largest in history. This brief summarizes information and communication technologies that have been used…