In partnership with countries around the world, we have developed hundreds of resources to help strengthen the foundations of health systems. Please search our Resources to learn more about our publications, research, programmatic approaches, tools, and learnings.

Strengthening Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Systems for Sustained Health Impact
For more than three decades, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) has partnered with countries to build high-performing supply chains that ensure reliable access to safe, effective, quality-assured medicines and people-centered pharmaceutical services. MSH takes a holistic approach that fosters country-led innovation, whole-of-society engagement and collaboration, private-sector engagement, and effective leadership and governance. This ensures both reliable, affordable access to and sustainable delivery of medical products when and where they are needed and their appropriate use to save lives and improve health.
Rapport final du programme ACCESS : Six ans de progrès en santé publique à Madagascar
Pendant six années, le programme Accessible Continuum of Care and Essential Services Sustained (ACCESS) a œuvré dans 14 régions de Madagascar pour att…
Impact régional : Les contributions d’ACCESS à l’amélioration des résultats de santé et des comportements à Madagascar
Fiches d’information ACCESS : Approches, stratégies et outils pilotés localement pour transformer le système de santé de Madagascar

Key Considerations and Strategies for Strengthening COVID-19 Diagnostics Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings
COVID-19 Diagnosis in Low- and Middle-income Countries: The Big New Bully Disrupting TB and HIV Diagnostic Services
Abstract COVID-19 undermines control of other infectious diseases. Diagnostics are critical in health care. This opinion paper explores approaches for…

Facilitating COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and Distribution in Low- and Middle-income Countries

A Landscape Analysis of Laboratory Technologies for COVID-19 Response in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
COVID-19 Vaccines Pricing Policy Options for Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries
Summary The COVID-19 pandemic limits pricing policy options for vaccines. It is therefore necessary to consider what appropriate policy options govern…
Willingness to Comply with Physical Distancing Measures against COVID-19 in Four African Countries
The world is facing an unprecedented crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic with many unknowns, which has led to much confusion and anxiety. …
Key Achievements and Lessons Learned from the Pilot TB/COVID-19 Integration Model from the ACT-A Project in Ethiopia
MSH, with funding from FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, through the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A), implemented the COVID-19 A…
Evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic over six weeks in four French-speaking countries in West Africa
The novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19; caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2) is severely challenging health systems worldwide. In Africa, the first c…
Sharing Knowledge for Policy Action in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Literature Review of Managed Entry Agreements
Managed entry agreements (MEAs)—a type of formal institutional arrangement between pharmaceutical companies and payers for sharing the risk with re…
A Multinational Delphi Consensus to End the COVID-19 Public Health Threat
Abstract Despite notable scientific and medical advances, broader political, socioeconomic, and behavioural factors continue to undercut the response …
Correction: COVID-19 and its effects on endothelium in HIV-positive patients in sub-saharan Africa: cardiometabolic risk, thrombosis and vascular function (ENDOCOVID STUDY)
COVID-19 has significantly impacted health systems and economies worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where the interaction between HIV infe…