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View Page: Data-driven Actions: Responding to a Malaria Upsurge
Data-driven Actions: Responding to a Malaria Upsurge
Uganda experienced a large number of malaria cases in April and May 2019. While this would normally correlate with patterns of seasonality, the season…
View Page: Improving Malaria Case Management in One Ugandan Hospital
![[Principal Dispenser and MTC Secretary, David Ouma in the Moroto regional referral hospital medicines stores]](
![[Principal Dispenser and MTC Secretary, David Ouma in the Moroto regional referral hospital medicines stores]](
Improving Malaria Case Management in One Ugandan Hospital
View Page: Real-time Data Strengthening Uganda’s Response to COVID-19
![[The Koboko District Rapid Response team and partners discuss medicines and medical supplies to order through the eELMIS] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
![[The Koboko District Rapid Response team and partners discuss medicines and medical supplies to order through the eELMIS] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
Real-time Data Strengthening Uganda’s Response to COVID-19
View Page: Safe and Secure: Twenty-six Ugandan Facilities Increase Storage Space and Improve Management of Health Commodities
![[Henry Oundo, UHSC staff member, reviews stock records with Opolot Grace, assistant inventory management officer at Princess Diana Health Center, Uganda.] {Photo credit UHSC staff/MSH}](
![[Henry Oundo, UHSC staff member, reviews stock records with Opolot Grace, assistant inventory management officer at Princess Diana Health Center, Uganda.] {Photo credit UHSC staff/MSH}](
Safe and Secure: Twenty-six Ugandan Facilities Increase Storage Space and Improve Management of Health Commodities
View Page: Finding Uganda’s Missing TB Cases: Improved Mentorship and Supportive Supervision Could Be the Answer
![[A district TB and leprosy supervisor conducts supportive supervision.] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
![[A district TB and leprosy supervisor conducts supportive supervision.] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
Finding Uganda’s Missing TB Cases: Improved Mentorship and Supportive Supervision Could Be the Answer
View Page: Report and Webinar on Integrating Oxytocin into Vaccine Cold Chain

Report and Webinar on Integrating Oxytocin into Vaccine Cold Chain
View Page: Using Supply Chain Data to Fight COVID-19 in Uganda
![[National Medical Stores staff undergo a practical session on processing of orders for COVID-19 emergency supplies using the eELMIS with a trainer from MSH/UHSC.] {Photo credit MSH staff}](
![[National Medical Stores staff undergo a practical session on processing of orders for COVID-19 emergency supplies using the eELMIS with a trainer from MSH/UHSC.] {Photo credit MSH staff}](
Using Supply Chain Data to Fight COVID-19 in Uganda
View Page: Mentorship and supportive supervision improve management of laboratory commodities
![[Laboratory technician, Samuel Oule, discusses laboratory data with the facility in-charge, Dr. Denis Omiat, at Apapai Health Centre IV.] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
![[Laboratory technician, Samuel Oule, discusses laboratory data with the facility in-charge, Dr. Denis Omiat, at Apapai Health Centre IV.] {Photo credit: MSH staff}](
Mentorship and supportive supervision improve management of laboratory commodities
View Page: Saving Mothers during Childbirth: Using the Vaccine Cold Chain to Keep Oxytocin Cold

Saving Mothers during Childbirth: Using the Vaccine Cold Chain to Keep Oxytocin Cold
View Page: Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2016 and Essential Medicines List for Uganda 2016 Launched
![[Michelle Lang-Ali, Deputy Director of USAID's Health and HIV/AIDS office; Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Minister of Health, Uganda; and Birna Trap, Chief of Party, USAID/Uganda Health Supply Chain program, at the launch of the Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2016.]{Photo credit: Sheila Mwebaze}](
![[Michelle Lang-Ali, Deputy Director of USAID's Health and HIV/AIDS office; Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Minister of Health, Uganda; and Birna Trap, Chief of Party, USAID/Uganda Health Supply Chain program, at the launch of the Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2016.]{Photo credit: Sheila Mwebaze}](
Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2016 and Essential Medicines List for Uganda 2016 Launched
View Page: Tools for Community Health Workers to Ensure Availability of Medicines for Maternal and Child Health
![[Community health worker Betty Achilla examines a baby at one of the 31 households she supports.] {Photo credit: Sheila Mwebaze/MSH}](
![[Community health worker Betty Achilla examines a baby at one of the 31 households she supports.] {Photo credit: Sheila Mwebaze/MSH}](