5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Oct 08, 20188:00 amOct 12, 20185:00 pm
Location: ACC Liverpool

5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

MSH works shoulder-to-shoulder with countries and communities to save lives and improve the health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people by building strong, resilient, sustainable health systems.

Together, we seek to achieve universal health coverage (UHC)—equitable, affordable access to high-quality health services for all who need them—even in fragile, post-crisis settings.

Please join us at the 5th Health Systems Research Symposium for discussions on strengthening health systems in post-conflict and fragile settings, enabling UHC through peer-to-peer learning, and strengthening the capacity of community health systems. 


Satellite and Skills-building Sessions 

Monday, October 8, 8:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M.
Gender Health Equity Over the Life Course: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers Women Face in Accessing Health Systems in Low-resource Settings

Moderator: Catharine Taylor, Vice President of MSH’s Health Programs Group

This session presents findings from programs and/or research in Africa and Asia that seek to address the gaps in women’s access to health services from non-communicable diseases. Case studies covering early childhood, adolescence, and reproductive and older women’s health will highlight how data, technology, and innovative collaborations can support more gender-equitable health care. 


Tuesday, October 9, 3:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M.
How to Cost Services and Prepare Investment Cases for Health Interventions

Facilitators: David Collins (MSH), David Hipgrave (UNICEF), and Jerome Pfaffmann (UNICEF)

During this session, participants will learn how to use the Community Health Planning and Costing Tool to develop investment cases for integrated community health programs in low- and middle-income countries.


Featured Partner Session

Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Solving UHC Challenges Through Practitioner-to-Practitioner Learning

In a participatory and interactive format, the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) 
will demonstrate its joint learning method. The presiding panelists, a mix of JLN Steering Group and country members, will introduce the JLN, describe the joint learning approach and its values, and briefly discuss how joint learning can aid countries in addressing health systems challenges.


MSH Poster Sessions

Wednesday, October 10, 12:45 P.M.
The Cost of Implementing Universal Health Coverage in Fragile States: Study Results From Afghanistan and Syria

Presented by: David Collins, MSH Senior Principal Technical Advisor, Health Care Financing

Poster number 76

A Cost-effectiveness and Cost Savings Analysis of Community-based Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Seven Countries in the Sahel Region of Africa 

Presented by: Catharine Taylor, Vice President of MSH’s Health Programs Group

Poster number 77

The Effect of a Community Case Management Worker Model on Knowledge, OVC Support, and Vulnerability Outcomes

Author: Maeve Conlin, MSH Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Senior Advisor

Poster number 3199 


MSH Oral Sessions

Thursday, October 11, 11:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
Health systems in post-conflict and fragile settings: “The challenges of transitioning humanitarian health services to health systems: Experiences from northern Syria”

Presented by: Dr. Abdulbaki Mahmoud, Syria Relief and Development; Co-authors: Daniel Albrech (WHO), Tasnim Atatrah (WHO), and David Collins (MSH)


Thursday, October 11, 4:00 P.M.-5:30 P.M. 
Scaling-up health system interventions: “Scaling Up Community Health: Prioritization and Costing of the Community Health Service Packages in Madagascar and South Sudan” 

Presented by: David Collins, MSH Senior Principal Technical Advisor, Health Care Financing; Co-authors: Yohana Dukhan (World Bank) and Colin Gilmartin (MSH)

Friday, October 12, 2:00 P.M.-3:30 P.M.
Strengthening the capacity of community health systems: “Plague in Madagascar: Epidemic Control Starts in and With the Community”

Presented by: Elke Konings, MSH Senior Principal Technical Advisor; Co-authors: Anton Luchytsky (MSH), Riana Ramanantsoa (MSH), and John Yanulis (MSH)