Achieving Universal Health Coverage

Achieving Universal Health Coverage

We at MSH believe that health care must be accessible and affordable; people must be able to obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.  

Our support to country- and local-level interventions helps political and public health leaders take the bold steps necessary to move toward universal health coverage (UHC), acknowledging that health systems founded on strong primary health care are essential to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and universal health coverage. We convene civil society representatives, government officials, businesses, and academia to ensure that UHC policies provide financial risk protection and that systematic attention is given to the most marginalized populations, so that no one is left behind. 

A client picks-up a prescription-at-a private sector drug shop
Policy and Advocacy

From government officials to health workers to civil society partners and global health leaders, we equip those with whom we work with the tools to move from policy to action.

MSH staff in Guatemala worked with local partners to maintain essential ANC services, communicate accurate information, and provide social support to pregnant women Photo credit MSH
Innovative Partnerships

With our track record of achieving results through innovative, evidence-based approaches, we have become a trusted partner of numerous organizations and government agencies worldwide.

Private-Sector Engagement

Our alignment, relationship building, and collaboration with the private sector are crucial to achieving desired health and social impact.

A pharmacist smiling in front of a medicine cabinet
Health System Innovations

Innovations in health systems benefit the millions of people who lack access to prevention and treatment.

Doctor checking an elderly patient's blood pressure
Universal Health Coverage

We support national investments in health systems that achieve universal health coverage.

Technical Experts

View Person: Amy Boldosser-Boesch
Amy Boldosser-Boesch, Senior Technical Director and Practice Area Lead for Health Policy, Advocacy and Engagement, and Integrated Health Care

Amy Boldosser-Boesch

Senior Technical Director and Practice Area Lead for Health Policy, Advocacy, and Engagement and Integrated Health Care

View Person: Olumide Elegbe
Olumide Elegbe, Director, Strategy, Business Development, and Partnerships

Olumide Elegbe

Director of Global Partnerships and Strategy

View Person: Kamiar Khajavi
Dr. Kamiar Khajavi, Senior Technical Director, Universal Health Coverage at MSH and Executive Director at Joint Learning Network for UHC, Network Manager

Kamiar Khajavi

Senior Technical Director; Project Director, HS4TB

View Person: Waiswa Nkwanga
Headshot of Waiswa Nkwanga

Waiswa Nkwanga

Senior Technical Advisor, UHC, and Coordinator of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030

View Person: Kathleen Sears
Kathleen Sears, Senior Director, Program Design and Strategy, Innovative Partnerships

Kathleen Sears

Senior Director, Program Design and Strategy, Innovative Partnerships

Become a Member of the Joint Learning Network for UHC

Join the country-driven network of practitioners and policy makers co-developing global knowledge products to help extend health coverage for all.