Partner with Us

Partner with Us

Whether building the capacity of local organizations to ensure sustainable results or collaborating with an international organization to tap into a complementary technical area, we work with like-minded organizations to improve health around the world.

For more than 50 years, our partnerships have been delivering lasting results in over 150 countries. From local implementers and charitable foundations, to government donors and the private sector, our partners know they can rely on us to provide the technical expertise and decades of experience necessary to leave the work in the capable hands of the people with whom we work.

Partnership in Action

USAID MTaPS_Program has helped to identify and manage COVID-19 vaccination activities
The Global Fund’s support, flexibility, and partnership were critical to Nigeria’s COVID-19 response. Working in close coordination with the Federal Ministry of Health and the Nigerian Center for Disease Control, MSH’s team in Nigeria helped to channel funds from the Global Fund toward the highest needs, such as procuring test kits and personal protective equipment for health workers.
MSH supports COVID-19 vaccination in Senegal
Our social behavior change campaigns with Facebook encourage vaccination in six countries and run alongside our already vital work in vaccine introduction in low-income countries.
Pharmacist Falisy Lule in the medicines-stock-room-at-Kiruddu-National-Referral Hospital in Uganda
Through the MTAPS Program, we partner with the US Government to enable low- and middle-income countries strengthen their pharmaceutical systems to ensure sustainable access to and appropriate use of essential medicines and related pharmaceutical services.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, MSH staff in Guatemala worked with local partners to maintain essential ANC services, communicate accurate information, and provide social support to pregnant women, photo by MSH
Our people-centered model of group antenatal care, piloted in Uganda through an investment by MSH’s Board of Directors, was expanded to Kenya with support from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and is currently being scaled up in Guatemala and Bangladesh, with support from a family foundation.  

Who We Partner With


Bilateral and Multilateral Organizations, Private Sector and Philanthropy

The key to achieving our mission are relationships with development partners, including bilateral and multilateral organizations. We work with philanthropic organizations and the private sector through corporate social responsibility, shared value, service, and learning partnerships. We understand that alignment, relationship building, and collaboration are crucial to achieving our desired health and social impact.

Implementation Partnerships

Private Sector, Universities, Nonprofit and Civil Society Organizations, and Host Country Governments

When planning and implementing projects, we collaborate with a range of stakeholders, including prominent international organizations that have complementary knowledge on a project’s region, health issues, and technical areas. Our partnerships allow us to leverage each other’s areas of specialization to capitalize on efficiencies and, together, achieve optimal results.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Global Fund
The World Bank
U.S. President's Malaria Initiative

A trusted US Government partner, MSH offers expertise to USAID missions and their country partners through several global US Government acquisition and assistance mechanisms.

Global USAID and CDC Projects

MSH’s technical assistance and capacity development expertise are available through the following global mechanisms:

For information on these mechanisms, including MSH contacts, please see the following summary:

GSA Multiple Award Schedule

Contract number: 47QRAA21D0069

The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), also known as the GSA Schedule or Federal Supply Schedule, is a platform on which federal government buyers access more than 11 million products and services through long-term government-wide contracts issued by the General Services Administration (GSA). 

GSA has awarded MSH a five-year (plus up to 15 additional option years) contract to provide USAID, CDC, and other US Government agencies with simplified, cost-efficient access to our range of technical/development support and business consulting services, under the following Special Item Numbers (SINs):

  • Professional Services/Business Administrative Services
    SIN 541611 – Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
  • Scientific Management and Solutions/Scientific Services
    SIN 541990TAD – Technical/Application Development Support (TADS)
  • Order Level Materials (OLM)
    Purchases at Task Order level, for up to 1/3 of Task Order value

MSH’s approved listing on the MAS includes a full set of hourly labor ceiling rates, for various labor categories typically involved in MSH project implementation, that have already been deemed fair and reasonable by GSA.

For more information, please contact us at

Annual Reports

Read the stories of the people with whom we work. Together, with our diverse funding and implementing partners, we work with local health leaders and institutions around the world to create lasting health impact.

Olumide Elegebe headshot

How to Partner with Us

For information on how to work with us for health impact, as we seek out new innovations to meet new demands, please contact Olumide Elegbe at, or contact our team at

To learn more about MSH, download the MSH factsheet in English or French.