HS4TB Fact Sheet: Collaborative on Contracting Organizations for Health-Related Services
HS4TB Fact Sheet: Collaborative on Contracting Organizations for Health-Related Services

Government-led contracting for health services is where the government contracts with nongovernmental organizations/civil society organizations and the for-profit private sector using the country’s procurement system and domestic funds. This allows the use of complementary skill sets from the public and private sectors. It can support the optimization of available resources, especially in mixed health systems in low- and middle-income countries where health systems can be under-resourced or fragmented.
USAID’s Health Systems for Tuberculosis (HS4TB) project facilitates a Collaborative on Contracting Organizations for Health-Related Services for practical peer learning on government-led contracting. With contracting an essential tool in mixed health systems, the goal of this initiative is to equip participating countries with the knowledge and skills to take steps towards establishing, improving, or expanding contracting for health-related services, including TB.