Colin Gilmartin
Colin Gilmartin
Principal Technical Advisor, Health Economics and Financing
Colin Gilmartin serves as the Project Director of the PHC Performance Management Activity, supporting district health management teams in Ghana and Rwanda to use routine operational data and leverage catalytic grant funding to implement and regularly monitor results oriented PHC action plans to achieve improved health outcomes. His work has focused on improving PHC resource allocation and system performance and advising ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, and donors in areas of health financing (economic evaluation, investment case development, sustainable financing). Through funding from UNICEF and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he has led PHC costing analyses and investment cases for national community health worker programs. Gilmartin began his career working in rural Burkina Faso as a community health development worker with the US Peace Corps and completed his Masters of Science in public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.