Leadership Management and Governance Project in Haiti

Leadership Management and Governance Project in Haiti


The USAID-funded Leadership Management and Governance project in Haiti (LMG/Haiti) partnered with the Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population or MSPP) in collaboration with the World Bank and the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) to generate inspired leadership, sound management, and transparent governance in Haiti.

LMG/Haiti technical activities focused on strengthening capacity at the central level but impacted individuals across all levels of the Haitian health system. LMG/Haiti targeted key health system functions that support sustainable improvements in delivery of essential health services, including:

  • Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Health’s contracting unit to manage all sources of funding, including the US Government
  • Strengthening MSPP’s capacity to improve the quality of and access to health services and better regulate, manage, and monitor the health system
  • Reinforcing the CCM’s leadership, management, and governance capacity to improve financial oversight and accountability and strengthen performance and coordination in implementing Global Fund funding
  • Strengthening the strategic communication capacity of the MSPP and Haitian journalists while supporting USAID/Haiti to elevate awareness of the Haitian public, diaspora, and US-based policy makers on Haiti’s key health issues

With LMG/Haiti’s support, the MSPP achieved the following between 2012 and 2017:

  • The contracting unit developed technical and financial tools to implement and monitor the National Results-Based Financing (RBF) program, including operational and training manuals and a costing tool. LMG/Haiti supported the training of 261 health care providers in 81 facilities on RBF tools and implementation.
  • In 2016, the Directorate of Health Service Organization developed the Package of Essential Services (PES), which sets clear national standards for health care delivery. 
  • The General Directorate set up its strategic dashboard in 2016 to track the Plan Directeur performance indicators, enable identification of trends, assess progress in specific result areas, and promote evidence-based decision making.
  • The CCM strengthened its capacity to oversee grant implementation through the development of key grant management tools.
  • The Directorate for Health Promotion and Environment Protection (Direction de la Promotion de la Santé et de la Protection de l’Environnement, or DPSPE) developed the MSPP’s Strategic Communication Plan and the Branding and Marking Plan in 2015 and the Emergency Communication Plan in 2016 (which was effectively used to support continued health service delivery during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew). The three documents will help the MSPP fill existing gaps in internal and external communication.

Donors & Partners


The United States Agency for International Development

The World Bank


The World Bank