Governance Guides and Handbooks
Governance Guides and Handbooks

Governance Guides: Five Essential Practices of Governance
In this series of Governance Guides, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), through USAID’s Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project, shares practical ways to govern your health system well — even if you have little prior experience in governance. The guides are written for: Ministers of Health or Directors of a department in the Ministry of Health, heads of a provincial or district health system or a hospital or a health center, health managers, health providers, and health workers.
The guides help enable governing body members, directors, senior managers, and health professionals working in organizations delivering health care, family planning, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and maternal, newborn, and child health services achieve higher service performance and better health outcomes.
Governance Handbooks: Training Facilitation
The Governance Training Facilitation Handbooks are organized by setting:
The handbooks give detailed guidance on setting up and conducting governance education through which the knowledge and skills in applying the five effective governing practices can best be mastered. The handbooks are best used with the accompanying series of five guides which show practical ways to govern the health systems well, and improve its performance, and ultimately, improve the health of the population.