The Health and Family Planning Manager’s Toolkit: Performance Management Tool
The Health and Family Planning Manager’s Toolkit: Performance Management Tool
To provide the organization with a means of managing the performance of their staff through identifying critical performance objectives for all employees which are linked to the priority goals of the organization and reviewed on a specific time frame.
The Performance Management Tool consists of three complementary parts: A Work Planning and Performance Review System, a guide for Developing Performance Objectives and a guide for Developing Job Descriptions. These are described below:
Part I: Work Planning and Performance Review System (WPPR) is a collaborative effort between two people who work together, normally a supervisor and a staff member, to plan the work that the employee will do over a designated time period. The effective functioning of this system is dependent on several components: an organizational policy statement on the importance of the Policy Planning and Review System, staff committed to develop, implement and support a WPPR system, a well defined process and tools, and training on WPPR for everyone in the organization. The WPPR System is organized according to the core functions of this planning and review process: review of the employee’s job description, identifying “key results” areas, jointly developing performance objectives and action plans, and developing a schedule of meetings to review performance and plan for the next designated period. Part I also describes the advantages an organization will gain from implementing a WPPR system and why training is essential to a successful effort. A sample WPPR form is included in Part I.
Part II: How to Develop Performance Objectives describes how employee performance objectives can be linked to the priority goals of the organization. It defines the major types of performance objectives, and describes the components and criteria each performance objective must have to be effective. Examples of Performance Objectives are included.
Part III: How to Develop Job Descriptions describes the purposes of job descriptions and their components. It outlines the steps required to develop a job description and gives several examples. This tool also provides information on the challenges you may face in implementing a Performance Management System and suggests some strategies for success.
The Employee Work Planning and Performance Review System has been used extensively by MSH for all staff since 1988. It has also been adapted and used by our field staff and our affiliates around the world including the Philippines, Madagascar, and Bangladesh.
A Work Planning and Performance Review System provides benefits to both the individual employee and the organization. For the employee, it answers their three most critical questions: “What am I supposed to be doing?”, “How well am I doing it?” and “Does it matter to the organization?” For the organization, it provides a means to conduct systematic work planning and review. It also provides objective information which will guide management decisions on promotions, transfers, work assignments, and staff development needs. While performance review should not be automatically used as a salary review, it can provide both the employee and the organization with an objective basis for determining salary increases and merit awards.
Effective implementation requires total commitment from the organization, support from senior management and participatory management philosophy. An investment in training for all staff in the WPPR system is required at its introduction with ongoing training for new staff joining the organization. Ongoing training and skill development for supervisors is recommended.
Reccomendation for users:
Best administered by a group of staff internal to the organization (e.g., Executive Director, Human Resource Development and Senior Staff, employee and union representatives).