Traditions and Trust: A Qualitative Study of Barriers to Facility-based Obstetric and Immediate Neonatal Care in Chiapas, Mexico
Traditions and Trust: A Qualitative Study of Barriers to Facility-based Obstetric and Immediate Neonatal Care in Chiapas, Mexico
By: Emma Sacks, Montserrat Mendez Alvarez, Pilar Bancalari, Juan-Carlos Alegre
Publication: Women & Health; 21 June 2022; DOI:
Poor access and quality of intrapartum and postpartum health care contribute to high global maternal and neonatal mortality rates and intra country inequity. The authors examined barriers to care seeking and health care utilization for obstetric and immediate neonatal care in Chiapas, a state with one of the largest indigenous populations and poorest health indicators in Mexico.