Uganda SSCS Impact Story—May 2024: Quantification as a Driver towards Improved Availability of Health Commodities in Uganda

Uganda SSCS Impact Story—May 2024: Quantification as a Driver towards Improved Availability of Health Commodities in Uganda

The USAID-funded and MSH-led Uganda Strengthening Supply Chain Systems (SSCS) Activity‘s May 2024 Impact Story highlights the role annual quantification of health commodities plays in ensuring health commodities are available in appropriate amounts at all health facilities. Read about the five-step quantification process used to accurately forecast commodities needs to optimize financial resources and reduce wastage and medicine stockouts.

The SSCS Activity supports Uganda’s efforts to strengthen its health supply chain to increase availability and access to safe, quality-assured medicines and health supplies in public and private nonprofit health facilities. Further accelerating Uganda’s journey to self-reliance, SSCS strengthens Uganda’s health system to more effectively combat infectious and non-communicable diseases and improve health services and outcomes for all Ugandan families and communities.