Meeting the Needs of Urban Youth: What Does the Community Say?

June 14, 2016

Meeting the Needs of Urban Youth: What Does the Community Say?

The video, Meeting the Needs of Urban Youth, tells the story of adolescents and service providers living in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya, and explores issues around access to sexual and reproductive health services in urban settings.

Produced by African Strategies for Health’s partners, the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and Management Sciences for Health (MSH), the video was recently screened at Viwandani and Korogocho, the two communities featured on the film.

The screenings brought together adolescents, parents, teachers, and other community members in an open and honest discussion about solutions to improve access of sexual and reproductive health services in urban settings.  

“Things are improving, according to many of the young people, both male and female, who say they find it easier to find family planning and to see health care providers,” blogs APHRC’s Communications Officer, Carol Gatura. “But some facilities are better than others, and some providers are more sympathetic and easier to talk to. Plus, the cost of the longer-acting methods of contraception remains out of reach for many.”

Watch the video

Read more about the screenings and what the community says