Public Sector Systems Strengthening Plus (PS3+)
Public Sector Systems Strengthening Plus (PS3+)

The Public Sector Systems Strengthening Plus (PS3+) activity, funded by USAID and led by Abt Associates, worked with the Government of Tanzania to institutionalize public-sector systems that are responsive to citizens’ needs for essential quality public services at the local level, particularly for underserved populations. PS3+ strengthened the Government of Tanzania’s management systems by:
- Improving evidence-based planning and management of public services at the local level
- Strengthening local governance through citizen engagement and social accountability
- Increasing efficiency in the collection and transparent use of financial resources
As a subrecipient, MSH provided technical assistance and clinical process expertise to the government to design, develop, test, implement, and refine the Government of Tanzania Health Operations Management Information System (GoTHOMIS), including step-by-step integration of vertical and specialized health information systems.
Public Sector Systems Strengthening Plus (PS3+) Fact Sheet
Donors & Partners
The United States Agency for International Development
Abt Associates
IMA World Health
Tanzania Mentors Action
Local Government Training Institute (LGTI)
University of Dar es Salaam