Catalyzing the Growth and Success of the MPU: Lessons From SAFEMed
Catalyzing the Growth and Success of the MPU: Lessons From SAFEMed

Since its inception in 2018, the Medical Procurement of Ukraine (MPU) was launched, by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH), as a modern, fully transparent central procurement agency. With SAFEMed Activity support, funded by USAID and other donors, MPU aims to take over the procurement of all medicines procured on behalf of the MOH. Documenting its success over the past four years, SAFEMed published its very first technical brief based on the growth and success of MPU. Remarkably, after only years, MPU reduced patient out-of-pocket spending by 23% with central procurement prices better than from international organizations by 77%. MPU purchases were also 40-50% cheaper than international purchasing originations, hospitals, and pharmacies.