Competency Assessment on Gram Stain Examination and Interpretation Among Medical Laboratory Professionals Working in Selected Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Competency Assessment on Gram Stain Examination and Interpretation Among Medical Laboratory Professionals Working in Selected Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

By: Adugna Tsehay, Helmneh Sineshaw, Kirubel Eshetu, Addisu Gize, Samuel Abebe, Adane Mihret, and Kassu Desta Tullu

Publication: Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare; 8 March 2024. DOI:

Laboratory test results are essential for patient diagnosis and treatment, with Gram staining being a key method for differentiating bacteria. Competence assessments can identify gaps and provide recommendations to improve skills. However, there is no evidence of such assessments among medical laboratory professionals in Ethiopia. This study aimed to assess the competency of medical laboratory professionals on Gram stain examination and interpretation in selected hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Conducted from September 2015 to December 2017, the cross-sectional study found that most professionals work without supervision or refresher training in Gram stain techniques. Consequently, their knowledge and skills are unsatisfactory, indicating the need for regular competence assessments, training, and follow-up to enhance professional competence in medical laboratories.