Endline Report: Assessing Effectiveness of a Person-Centered Group Care Model among First-time Mothers and Their Husbands for Improving Quality and Use of Maternal, Neonatal and Family Planning Services — Bangladesh
Endline Report: Assessing Effectiveness of a Person-Centered Group Care Model among First-time Mothers and Their Husbands for Improving Quality and Use of Maternal, Neonatal and Family Planning Services — Bangladesh

This endline assessment report outlines the findings from a mixed-method study designed to evaluate the outcomes of the Healthy Women, Healthy Families (HWHF) project. The assessment found that the HWHF’s group antenatal and postnatal care model can be an effective and critical health care intervention as opposed to the traditional individual approach, especially in settings where comprehensive care coverage is low, and the quality of care is poor. However, further improvements and modifications to the model are needed to ensure that challenges are addressed and that the model can be sustained and scaled across the country or other settings.