Guide to Fostering Change to Scale up Effective Health Services
Guide to Fostering Change to Scale up Effective Health Services
This guide is based on the recognition that change is inevitable for survival and that directed and planned change has a much greater chance of success than ad hoc attempts to introduce new practices. Everyone working to improve health, including donors, researchers, technical experts, service providers and advocates at the global, national, district, community and family level is in the business of fostering, leading or implementing change. But not everyone involved in this work has a clear pathway that links proven change practices with evidence-based clinical and programmatic innovations.
The MSH-led Leadership, Management and Governance (LMG) Project used this guide with Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) and introduced it to WAHO member states during the Good Practices Forum in July 2015. In January 2016 it was shared with participants at the International Conference on Family Planning in Indonesia.
This guide links effective change practices with proven clinical and programmatic practices to achieve results by:
- Describing principles fundamental to effective change
- Increasing awareness of proven approaches to effective change
- Providing “how-to” steps for successful change including scale-up
- Describing key challenges of scaling up and recommending strategies, tools or approaches for meeting those challenges
- Offering cases that show how the steps have been implemented in real-life situations