Innovations in the Global Fight Against TB: Field Research from MSH 2008-2019
Innovations in the Global Fight Against TB: Field Research from MSH 2008-2019
As MSH has shown, innovations in TB prevention and treatment are needed throughout health systems. This updated volume of 73 peer-reviewed journal articles includes additional contributions to the research literature from MSH staff and our national (ministries of health, national TB programs, local NGOs, and universities) and international partners, as well as donors (principally the US Agency for International Development) in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
With nearly two decades spent fighting TB, MSH has the solid background in health systems strengthening needed to approach next-wave innovation, whether that be training community health workers or programming electronic information systems. The papers presented highlight particularly effective innovations for controlling this disease in the following technical areas:
- Quality DOTS implementation
- TB in fragile states and volatile environments
- Urban DOTS
- MDR-TB care and treatment
- TB epidemiology, monitoring, and evaluation
- TB contact investigation
- TB diagnostics, including GeneXpert analysis and Digital X-Ray
- e-TB Manager
- Public-private Mix (PPM)
- Quality assurance in laboratory services
- Patient-centered care for vulnerable and special populations, including those with HIV and other diseases
- TB drug management and pharmacovigilance
- TB financing
- Capacity building and surveillance systems
These articles are important contributions to the evidence base of what works in TB, including systems strengthening innovations that improve access to both established and novel TB medicines, ensuring safety and quality and promoting effective detection and case management.