LMG/National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) Project Final Report
LMG/National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) Project Final Report

From 2013-2017, the USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project worked with the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) to provide long-term technical assistance to the National Malaria Control Programs (NMCPs) of seven countries.
The LMG/NMCP Project embedded Senior Technical Advisors within the NCMP, alongside NMCP staff, for two to four years. During this time, the advisor would lead an organizational capacity assessment and help identify priority activities based on the weaknesses identified in the assessment.
This report includes stories of successes, achievements, and key learning experiences of NMCP leaders and staff that were involved with the project.
The report also outlines the project’s design, project management approach, lessons learned, and recommendations for continued USAID/PMI capacity building support to NMCPs. This report is intended to serve as both documentation of the significant progress made by NMCPs with the support of the LMG/NMCP Project Advisors and as guidance for future efforts to empower NMCPs to effectively and efficiently lead the fight against malaria.
More information about the LMG/NMCP Project’s activities and achievements are available in the related resources, linked to the right:
Fighting Malaria with Skilled Leadership, a compendium of success stories from the LMG/NMCP Project
The Added Value of Long-Term Technical Assistance to National Malaria Control Programs, an assessment report of the LMG/NMCP Project
Long-term Technical Assistance Advisors, a shorter technical highlight describing the project’s approach and accomplishments