
Pharmacist Mary Yeesuf in her office

Combating Malaria on a Global Scale in Nigeria

Nigeria has the largest population in Africa, now exceeding 200 million across 36 states. Unfortunately, Nigeria is also home to 25% of the world’s malaria cases. MSH is a partner to the Government of Nigeria in combating malaria. Through our work with the Global Fund, covering 13 states, and USAID and the President’s Malaria Initiative, which will cover 8 states, MSH is supporting Nigeria’s National Malaria Eradication Plan from the ministry to the facility level across nearly 60% of the country. This means MSH is directly supporting 15% of the global malaria response in one country alone.

Fighting Malaria

MSH has been fighting malaria for three decades in over 40 countries. In partnership with national malaria control programs (NMCPs), donors, and international and local stakeholders, we help countries scale-up proven interventions to combat malaria, while building the capacity of health systems and developing innovative tools and technologies to prevent and treat the disease.

We build strong health systems that deliver high-quality antimalaria health services by developing accreditation standards—such as treatment guidelines—and building capacity of district officials, health workers, and community members. We support health departments in establishing benchmarks and leveraging health data to guide health workers toward improving the quality of service delivery for malaria and other illnesses.

Our approach to fighting malaria includes: 

  • Developing accreditation standards 
  • Improving the quality of malaria diagnosis and treatment
  • Engaging the private sector
  • Strengthening drug supply chains, data for decision making, and rational use of malaria products

Join MSH at the ASTMH 2024 Annual Meeting

Our MSH delegation will present on a range of research topics, including improving malaria diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, strengthening health systems by enhancing data quality, improving the diagnostic and case management capacities of frontline health workers, and promoting the rational use of antimalarials.