MSH at the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) Annual Meeting 2022

Oct 30, 20228:00 amNov 04, 20225:00 pm

MSH at the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) Annual Meeting 2022

MSH has been fighting malaria for three decades in over 40 countries. The challenges and consequences of malaria are complex and far-reaching for individuals, communities, and health organizations, requiring multiple paths to successful prevention and treatment. Our malaria technical experts joined the ASTMH annual meeting this year, presenting on our programmatic tools and approaches to improving quality of care for malaria in Nigeria, Benin, and Madagascar. ASTMH, the largest international scientific organization of experts dedicated to reducing the worldwide burden of tropical infectious diseases and improving global health, is being held in person this year from October 30th to November 3rd in Seattle, Washington, USA.

The Accessible Continuum of Care and Essential Services Sustained Program (ACCESS) Madagascar

Poster Presentation: The CommCare Mobile Application Improves the Quality of Malaria Care in Children Under 5 Years Old at the Community Level in Madagascar

Oral Presentation: CommCare mobile application helps prevent outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in Madagascar.

Through the use of the CommCare mHealth application by community health volunteers, Madagascar prevented an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in 2021. Early detection of cases in animals reported through the application triggered quick, coordinated, and intersectoral responses that prevented disease spread to humans.   

The USAID Integrated Health Services Activity in Benin

Poster Presentation: Using Outreach Training and Supportive Supervision (OTSS) to Improve the Quality of Integrated Health Services in Benin

Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together (IMPACT) Program in Madagascar

Poster Presentation: Supervision, Performance Assessment, and Recognition Strategy (SPARS) Approach Leads to Improved Management of Malaria Products in Malagasy District Pharmacies 

President’s Malaria Initiative for States (PMI-S) Project in Nigeria

Poster Presentation: Strengthening Fever Case Management in Nigeria through Behavioral Economics and Human-Centered Design


MSH has been fighting malaria for three decades in over 40 countries. In partnership with national malaria control programs, donors, and international and local stakeholders, MSH helps countries scale up proven interventions to combat malaria while building the capacity of health systems and developing innovative tools and technologies to prevent and treat the disease. Read more about our work on malaria.