Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together

Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together


Through a total market approach, the USAID-funded Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together (IMPACT) program is building Madagascar’s capacity to deliver quality health products to the Malagasy people. We are working with the government to strengthen its supply chain and increase cost efficiency while enabling the health system to harness private-sector contributions, including those from retail pharmaceutical outlets. 

Led by Population Services International (PSI) with MSH, PATH, Banyan Global, and the Telma Foundation as partners, IMPACT works with the USAID-funded, MSH-led ACCESS program to strengthen the health system and achieve sustainable health impacts. This five-year (2018–2023) cooperative agreement will increase access to and use of effective health products by:

  • Enhancing coordination among the public, nonprofit, and commercial sectors for reliable supply and distribution of quality health products
  • Strengthening the capacity of the government of Madagascar to sustainably provide quality health products to the Malagasy people
  • Expanding engagement of the commercial health sector to serve new health markets according to health needs and consumer demand
  • Improving sustainability of social marketing to deliver affordable, accessible health products to the Malagasy population
  • Increasing demand for and use of health products among the Malagasy people, including piloting an accredited drug sellers initiative
Lifelines in Action: Boosting Madagascar’s Medicine Supply Chain

Join MSH at the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) Annual Meeting 2023

Focusing on the theme From Evidence to Action, our malaria experts will be at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s (ASTMH) Annual Meeting—#TropMed2023—in Chicago, IL, from October 18–22, to present our approaches to improving quality of care for malaria in Madagascar and Nigeria.

Aline Mukerabirori, MS, Senior Supply Chain Advisor
Aline Mukerabirori

Senior Supply Chain Advisor

Project Contact

Aline Mukerabirori is a highly experienced leader and manager with over 25 years of project management experience in international public health development, specifically in health systems strengthening, case management of malaria, HIV and AIDS, and supply chain management to improve access to life-saving commodities. Mukerabirori joined MSH in 2007 as Deputy Country Manager with MSH in Rwanda, where she supervised and coordinated the implementation of the USAID-funded Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) project. In 2011, Mukerabirori served as Country Director for MSH in Burundi, managing two USAID-funded projects, including the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceutical Systems (SIAPS) and the Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) projects. Currently, she serves as Senior Supply Chain Advisor for the USAID Madagascar-funded Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together (IMPACT) program, led by Population Services International, to strengthen the capacity of the government of Madagascar to sustainably provide quality health products to the Malagasy people. She holds a MS in pharmaceutical sciences from the Université de Liege in Belgium.

Donors & Partners


The United States Agency for International Development


Population Services International

Banyan Global


Telma Foundation