

Read the stories about our work, from those who do the work, and our upcoming programs, press releases, and project highlights.

View Page: Management Sciences for Health, Liberian Government Partner with USAID to Strengthen Liberia’s Health System
Management Sciences for Health, Liberian Government Partner with USAID to Strengthen Liberia’s Health System

Arlington, VA—July 24, 2024—Management Sciences for Health (MSH) today announced it will partner with the Government of Liberia and USAID to improve t…

View Page: Moving from Data to Action: MSH Marks World Malaria Day 2024 
World Malaria Day Webinar banner image. A women in red with a colorful panya tied around her waste peers out from under a green mosquito net
Moving from Data to Action: MSH Marks World Malaria Day 2024 
View Page: In the Fight against Malaria, Quality Information Is Our Strongest Ally
Closeup of the Aedes Mosquito Bite by an Aedes mosquito. This species can transmit multiple diseases. Credit: NIAID
In the Fight against Malaria, Quality Information Is Our Strongest Ally
View Page: Beyond the Last Mile: Fighting Malaria with Spot Checks and Integrity
Loading malaria commodities into a truck to take to a warehouse.
Beyond the Last Mile: Fighting Malaria with Spot Checks and Integrity
View Page: Using Treated Bed Nets to Fight Malaria in Nigeria’s Changing Climate Landscape 
Using Treated Bed Nets to Fight Malaria in Nigeria’s Changing Climate Landscape 
View Page: Empowering Local Health Teams in Nigeria for Enhanced Governance in Malaria Programs
A man receives training in malaria case documentation from two health workers. Global Fund Malaria Project - Nigeria. Photo credit: MSH
Empowering Local Health Teams in Nigeria for Enhanced Governance in Malaria Programs
View Page: Peru: Communities Collect Data to Bring Change Home
A nurse in Peru feeds a small child while others look on. MSH-Peru
Peru: Communities Collect Data to Bring Change Home
View Page: Nurturing Health and Hope: A Nurse’s Dedication to Malaria Prevention and Maternal Care in Nigeria
Monica Akyok (left), a nurse at the Primary Health Center (PHC) Bukuru Central in Nigeria’s Plateau State with a patient. Photo Credit: MSH. PMI-S
Nurturing Health and Hope: A Nurse’s Dedication to Malaria Prevention and Maternal Care in Nigeria
View Page: Management Sciences for Health Welcomes Chidozie Ezechukwu as Nigeria Country Representative
Dozie Ezechukwu
Management Sciences for Health Welcomes Chidozie Ezechukwu as Nigeria Country Representative
View Page: Gaining Ground in the Fight against Malaria: The View from Nigeria 
A community health volunteer in Nigeria in an orange vest leans over to tend to a baby that is being held on the lap of its mother, who is seated. Photo credit: U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative for States (PMI-S) activity
Gaining Ground in the Fight against Malaria: The View from Nigeria 
View Page: A Local Award Affirms MSH Leadership in Malaria Elimination in Nigeria
Four people in Nigeria - one woman and three men - are working outside on a porch under an awning packing malaria medicines into boxes and bags, and checking them off lists. Photo Credit: MSH
A Local Award Affirms MSH Leadership in Malaria Elimination in Nigeria
View Page: Nigeria Races to Scale Up Its Production of Medicines
This photo is a closeup of a person's hands as they measure out the correct dosage of malaria medication from a plastic bag into a small cup in Nigeria. Photo Credit: Arne Hoel / World Bank; publicly available photo under the Creative Commons License
Nigeria Races to Scale Up Its Production of Medicines