Webinar Slidedeck: Smart Capacity Building for Malaria: Experiences from Malawi
Webinar Slidedeck: Smart Capacity Building for Malaria: Experiences from Malawi

On March 4, 2020, staff from the MSH-led ONSE Health Activity in Malawi presented recent results and lessons learned on strengthening malaria services through Outreach Training and Supportive Supervision (OTSS).
Designed to provide ongoing support to clinicians, data, and laboratory staff, OTSS combines a standardized checklist with targeted mentorship and supportive supervision to identify areas for improvement and strengthen clinical and diagnostic services in health facilities.
This webinar shared how the application of OTSS, as part of broader quality assurance systems, impacts staff performance and improves the provision and quality of malaria services.
This is the fifth in our webinar series, “Quality of Care: An Essential Pillar to Achieve Universal Health Coverage for Women, Children, and Adolescents.” The series explores practical experiences and lessons for improving the quality of care along the continuum of health services that reach women, children, and adolescents.