Webinar Slidedeck: The Power of Pregnancy Clubs: New Research on Group Antenatal Care
Webinar Slidedeck: The Power of Pregnancy Clubs: New Research on Group Antenatal Care
On July 10th, staff from MSH and Scope shared lessons learned while working with government and other partners in Kenya and Uganda to adapted a group antenatal care (ANC) model, called ‘pregnancy clubs,’ to the local context using human-centered design and tested the innovation in selected public sector facilities.
Women who participated in the pregnancy clubs described better and more respectful experience of care, including improved learning and relationships with peers and their provider, as well as gained confidence and self-efficacy to care for their health and their babies’.
Providers reactions were mixed because they saw value in providing better care, developing relationships with women and improving utilization of services; but struggled to integrate the approach within their daily routines.
Pregnancy clubs hold promise for better meeting the social support and informational needs of women, while at the same time improving the quality and coverage of ANC. Further testing is needed to address systemic barriers to implementation at scale.