Management Sciences for Health to Play Key Role in Global Health Security

January 22, 2018

Management Sciences for Health to Play Key Role in Global Health Security

Global health nonprofit joins JEE Alliance advisory board

Arlington, VA—January 22, 2018—Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is pleased to join the advisory board of the JEE Alliance, a platform for facilitating multisectoral collaboration on health security capacity building and implementation of the International Health Regulations.

“We welcome the opportunity to contribute our deep knowledge in health systems to strengthen global health security,” said Marian W. Wentworth, MSH’s President & CEO. “Our decades of experience building capacity at the local and national levels through our leadership, management, and governance work will enhance the Alliance’s ability to support countries in their efforts to prevent, rapidly detect, and respond effectively to global health threats.”

The JEE Alliance consists of 68 members—countries, international organizations, non-governmental actors, and an umbrella organization representing the private sector—that advocate for political and financial commitments to building national preparedness and resilience and facilitate collaboration to improve technical capabilities.

“We look forward to sharing our expertise to help countries prioritize efforts to meet the International Health Regulations, just as we welcome supporting technical issues around global health security, such as community-level surveillance and resource mobilization, for instance,” said Ashley Arabasadi, MSH’s Health Security Policy Advisor and MSH representative to the Alliance. 

The Alliance was established in May 2016, and it is currently co-chaired by Australia and Finland. For further information, visit