From Data to Action: How Information Is Helping Us Fight Malaria
From Data to Action: How Information Is Helping Us Fight Malaria

In recognition of World Malaria Day 2024, MSH convened an interactive panel of global experts to explore one of the most important weapons in our fight against malaria: data. With the combined threats of climate change, conflict and humanitarian crises, resource constraints, and strains of the disease and vector that are increasingly resistant to drugs and insecticide, analyzing and acting on reliable data is crucial to winning the fight against malaria. Learn about the progress we’re seeing, interventions at every level that offer reasons for hope, and what the data can teach us about where to look next to defeat malaria once and for all.
Featured speakers

Dr. Bernard Nahlen
Director, University of Notre Dame’s Eck Institute for Global Health (Moderator)

Jo-Angeline Kalambo
Senior Specialist, Public Health and M&E, The Global Fund (Panelist)

Dr. IniAbasi Nglass
Deputy Chief of Party, PMI for States project, MSH (Speaker)

Dr. Aday E. Adetosoye
Vice President, Program Delivery Group, MSH (Speaker)

Jean Philbert Nsengimana
Chief Digital Advisor, Africa CDC (Panelist)

Dr. Lia Florey
Senior Malaria Technical Advisor, U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (Panelist)