USAID MTaPS SERIES: Webinar #1 – Promoting Good Pharmacy Practice
USAID MTaPS SERIES: Webinar #1 – Promoting Good Pharmacy Practice
This webinar, the first in a five-part series hosted by USAID MTaPs, focused on the gaps and the necessary steps to meet Good Pharmacy Practice standards in the private sector and the importance of regulation in improving pharmacy service quality and its potential equity impact.
Between June 8 to July 6, 2022, MTaPs convened experts from across the globe to discuss and shape a practical pathway for advancing equitable access to quality pharmacy services through the private sector (read blog for background).
– Birna Trap, Country Program Director, USAID MTaPS Nepal
– Catherine Goodman, PhD, Professor in Health Economics and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
– Azad Kalam, Director, Better Health Bangladesh
Representative, Uganda National Drug Authority
– Edson Ireeta Munanura, Secretary, Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda