Antoine Gatera
Antoine Gatera
Country Director, MTaPS, Rwanda

Antoine Gatera, MSH’s country director for the USAID Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program in Rwanda, has 10 years of hands-on experience in logistics, procurement, project management, sales, and supply chain management in the development health sector.
Prior to joining MSH, Gatera managed the daily operations of a medical equipment distributor in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he coordinated sales, marketing, logistics, and technical services activities and managed the design and implementation of hospital solutions. In the Congo, he managed the supply chain for the distribution of three million long-lasting insecticidal nets and was responsible for determining procurement and logistics requirements; defining sourcing strategies; and managing the request for quotation process for warehousing, transport services, and bed net distribution for Catholic Relief Services. In Haiti, he oversaw procurement and logistics for OHMass, a local partner to Population Services International, where he coordinated purchasing, inventory, and vendor selection; evaluated past performance data to forecast needs, warehousing, and distribution; and developed strategic plans to improve forecasting, reporting, and efficiency of operations for the distribution of HIV, OI, malaria, and TB-related commodities to more than 80 facilities. He holds a BA in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo.