Challenge TB


The USAID-funded, KNCV-led Challenge TB (CTB) project operated from 2014 to 2019 in 24 countries and two regions. The overall purpose of CTB was to support countries with high burdens of tuberculosis (TB), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), and TB/HIV to achieve their National Strategic Plan goals, contribute to the US Government TB Strategic Targets, and make progress toward the post-2015 global goals. More than 10 million people were successfully treated for TB, and 275,000 patients received treatment for drug-resistant TB. MSH was a major partner in this global effort, leading the programs in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and South Sudan, and making a major contribution to those in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.

In each country, MSH worked to:

  • Engage all stakeholders through a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach, and integrate TB services with other services where TB patients were found.
  • Empower stakeholders including youth, women, and communities by building their leadership, management, and technical capacity.
  • Evaluate interventions and innovative approaches and measure results at all levels.
  • Expand access to the full range of providers and remove barriers to services.
The health and economic costs of tuberculosis (TB) are substantial. Bangladesh has the seventh-highest burden of tuberculosis and the fourth-highest number of people dying from TB in the world. The threat of TB is particularly high in cities like Dhaka, which is home to approximately 10 million people. The USAID-funded Challenge TB project worked to help children like Sabbir and their families combat TB, and help prevent the spread of disease.
Watch Samia, a little girl infected with TB, and her family journey through Bangladesh’s healthcare system to finally end up at the specialized TB center at the Dhaka Children’s Hospital. Every year about 120,000 patients with TB are missed and not treated in Bangladesh. Many are children. Challenge TB, USAID’s flagship global TB program worked to strengthen laboratory services in Bangladesh, build child-friendly TB centers, and utilize digital technology for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Donors & Partners


The United States Agency for International Development

Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association


KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation

FHI 360

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association


World Health Organization (WHO)