Help Ethiopia Address Low Tuberculosis Performance
Help Ethiopia Address Low Tuberculosis Performance
From 2011 to 2016, the Help Ethiopia Address Low Tuberculosis Performance (HEAL TB) project supported Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health in Amhara and Oromia regions to improve comprehensive TB services, including finding and treating TB in children, adults, and special populations; expanding multidrug-resistant TB diagnosis and treatment; integrating TB and HIV services; improving laboratory diagnostics and reporting; and strengthening the expertise, leadership, and management of the health system.
Begun in 10 zones, HEAL TB increased in scope to 28 zones—covering all of Amhara and Oromia regions. The dramatic scale-up brought high-quality, comprehensive TB services to nearly 55 million people—more than half the country’s population.
HEAL TB Final Report: The Rapid Expansion of Comprehensive, High-Quality Tuberculosis Services in Ethiopia
World TB Day: Strengthening Leadership for the Fight on TB
The 51st Union World Conference On Lung Health
Donors & Partners
The United States Agency for International Development