Keneya Jemu Kan (KJK)
Keneya Jemu Kan (KJK)

The USAID-funded Communication et Promotion de la Santé (Keneya Jemu Kan, or KJK) project in Mali promoted key healthy behaviors and increased the demand for and use of high-impact health services and commodities by men, women, and children in Mali.
Under a sub-agreement, MSH focused on providing technical assistance to selected local organizations, including the Malian Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene’s Centre National d’Information, d’Education et de Communication pour la Santé (the National Center for Health Information, Education, and Communication), to strengthen their organizational leadership, management, and governance capacity. To achieve this, the KJK capacity building team worked with each organization individually to conduct an institutional capacity assessment using MSH’s Program for Organizational Growth, Resilience, and Sustainability to identify key institutional strengths and gaps; revise or develop realistic and achievable strategic plans based on recommendations drawn from the assessment; provide technical support during the implementation of the plans and monitor implementation; and conduct formal training sessions and onsite coaching visits for organizations to build their institutional capacity in areas deemed most important to them, including governance, leadership, human resource management, and institutional communication.
Mali Keneya Jemu Kan Project Fact Sheet
Building sustainable change in Mali through the Keneya Jemu Kan project
Donors & Partners
The United States Agency for International Development
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs