Program for Strengthening the Central American Response to HIV
Program for Strengthening the Central American Response to HIV
USAID|PASCA LMG, the USAID Program for Strengthening the Central American Response to HIV, was implemented by the Leadership, Management and Governance Program (LMG) of Management Sciences for Health from March 27, 2014 to September 24, 2017. The geographic focus was the Central American region, with country-specific activities in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
The aim of USAID|PASCA LMG was to support the development and implementation of national HIV policy strategies of each country in the Central American region. The program provided technical assistance and training for the effective implementation of these national HIV policies. As per the approved program strategy, activities contributed to the attainment of the following objectives:
- The National and Regional HIV/AIDS Strategic Plans were budgeted, implemented, monitored and supported
- National and Regional Advocacy agendas were developed and implemented
- Engaged several private-sector companies in the response to HIV
Furthermore, the project ensured that gender and stigma and discrimination considerations were incorporated into the strategic plans, advocacy agendas, and private sector responses.
Donors & Partners
The United States Agency for International Development