Fact Sheet: DRC-IHP and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Fact Sheet: DRC-IHP and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Safe water sources and usable toilets are vital for public health. In DRC, their lack leads to high levels of water-borne disease. Diarrheal disease is a major cause of infant and child mortality. Since sanitation facilities require new habits, community mobilization is critical.
The Integrated Health Project (DRC-IHP) has supported the ministry of health’s “healthy village” strategy, mobilizing citizens to develop safe water sources and sanitation facilities. DRC’s health and environmental strategy embraces a vision of the “village assaini,” or “healthy village.” Standards for a village assaini include at least 80 percent of residents with access to potable water and sanitary latrines DRC-IHP promotes “community-led total sanitation”— a globally recognized system of scaling up water and sanitation facilities that people will use.