Assessing Couple Years of Protection in Malawi: A Rapid Assessment by the ONSE Health Activity
Assessing Couple Years of Protection in Malawi: A Rapid Assessment by the ONSE Health Activity

The USAID Organized Network of Services for Everyone’s (ONSE) Health Activity undertook a rapid assessment in October 2018 to understand how family planning services are provided, by whom, and the estimated protection provided.
The results of the ONSE couple years of protection assessment provide important insight into the sustainability of family planning service delivery in Malawi.
While the Ministry of Health provides most family planning services, ONSE delivers the lion’s share of couple years protection. ONSE is filling a gap by focusing on long-acting reversible contraceptives and permanent method service provision at facilities and in communities. In this way, ONSE is providing substantial protection from pregnancy in a country with a high unmet need for family planning. However, sustainability issues, despite smart capacity building efforts, remain a concern.