Management of Medicines Benefit Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Settings
Management of Medicines Benefit Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Settings
The Management of Medicines Benefit Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Settings manual serves as a primer for managers, government officials, or consultants who are tasked by a government, health insurance plan, or other institution with designing or implementing a medicines benefit program. The manual outlines the potential options or elements to consider in the design of a medicines benefit program based on a variety of country contexts. The manual aims to foster a common understanding of the essential elements required to implement medicines benefit programs in the context of larger health insurance schemes in low resource settings.
Management of Medicines Benefit Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Settings covers the following key elements to consider when designing a medicines benefit program:
- Political, legal, and regulatory context
- Scope and scale of coverage
- Funding to ensure equity
- Governance and management of the MBP
- Claims processing systems
- Management information systems
- Management of beneficiary and provider services
- Delivery of medicines to beneficiaries
- Medicine formulary management
- Medicine purchasing strategies
- Information and education programs
- Utilization review and performance monitoring