Mobilizing Advocates from Civil Society: Kenya and Burkina Faso Case Studies
Mobilizing Advocates from Civil Society: Kenya and Burkina Faso Case Studies
In 2012, Family Care International (FCI) launched the Mobilizing Advocates from Civil Society (MACS) project in Burkina Faso and Kenya to bring together civil society organizations working in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) and to strengthen their capacity to advocate powerfully and effectively for health policies and programs that meet the needs of women and children. These case studies from Kenya and Burkina Faso detail the experiences and challenges the MACS alliances faced, while sharing lessons learned from the project overall.
- Burkina Faso: Amid times of political crisis, civil society advocates call for increased invesment in women’s and children’s health
- Kenya: Women’s and children’s health in a devolved state: Advocates tackle crippling health worker shortages through budget advocacy
- Burkina Faso : Mener un plaidoyer efficace en faveur de la santé des femmes et des enfants malgré les bouleversements politiques
- Kenya : Mener un plaidoyer efficace en temps de mutations