MOST for TB Management and Organizations Sustainability Tool for National TB Control Programs: A Guide for Users and Facilitators
MOST for TB Management and Organizations Sustainability Tool for National TB Control Programs: A Guide for Users and Facilitators
This guide provides complete information about the MOST for TB concept, process, and assessment instrument. It also includes all necessary materials for conducting a three-day MOST for TB workshop. The guide can therefore be used by those who want to learn about MOST for TB for the first time as well as by those who are preparing to carry out a MOST for TB assessment. Potential users should read specific sections of the guide:
- National TB program (NTP) directors who are considering undertaking the MOST for TB process should read “Making the MOST of Management” on page 48.
- NTPs directors who have decided to implement MOST for TB should read the first three sections of this guide.
- Facilitators who will be conducting the MOST for TB workshop and guiding follow-up should read the entire guide to become familiar with the foundations and process of MOST for TB, its participatory philosophy, and the steps involved. They should also use the workshop materials, which begins on page 47, to assemble a binder for workshop participants.