Presence of Leadership and Management in Global Health Programs: Compendium of Case Studies
Presence of Leadership and Management in Global Health Programs: Compendium of Case Studies
There is growing awareness that well led and managed global health solutions are required to achieve effective and sustainable health programs, especially at the scale needed to attain Millennium Development Goals and other global targets. This compendium of case studies reviews the current evidence of the impact of leadership and management on health.
Leadership and management practices create opportunities for improving program performance, strengthening workforce capacity, enhancing connections with target populations, and increasing the ability to respond effectively to change. Further, at a high level, leadership and management are essential to achieve country-ownership goals. The leadership and management capacity within national systems will be a key driver for effectively steering global health development into the future. While there is a strong understanding that good leadership and management are important, the evidence base for this assertion is sparse.
This study reviewed selected global health programs to identify the presence of leadership and management characteristics, and what achievements resulted, to further the evidence base of leadership and management within global health programming.