Rwanda Health Systems Strengthening Project Final Report

Rwanda Health Systems Strengthening Project Final Report

Over the past two decades, Rwanda has realized impressive declines in preventable child and maternal mortality, serving as an example of what is possible through committed, collective action. Between 2000 and 2015, the country achieved the highest average annual reduction in both the under-five mortality rate and the maternal mortality ratio in the world. Underpinning this progress is a series of ambitious health system reforms designed to move resources and decision making closer to the communities where health services are provided. Rwanda decentralized its health system—the national level is responsible for setting standards and monitoring performance, whereas the provinces, districts, and health facilities provide responsive, and quality services to the communities they serve.

The $25 million, five-year (2014-2019) Rwanda Health Systems Strengthening (RHSS) Project, led by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), advanced the US Government’s commitment to inclusive growth, results and accountability, and resilience and partnership along Rwanda’s journey to self-reliance. The RHSS Project collaborated closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH), local partners, and health system leaders and managers to strengthen capacity through extensive technical support across five strategic areas: effective leadership and governance, sustainable health financing and private sector engagement, improved quality of care, evidence-based decision making, and a mobilized, skilled workforce. The RHSS Project built on the work initiated during USAID’s Integrated Health Systems Strengthening Project (IHSSP; 2009-2014).

The RHSS Project was implemented in partnership with Banyan Global, Jembi Health Systems, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and the University of Rwanda School of Public Health.