South Sudan
South Sudan
Our work to strengthen health services in South Sudan helped to build the government’s capacity to improve and finance quality health services. Our activities ranged from strengthening the national tuberculosis and malaria control programs to assisting the Ministry of Health in coordinating and scaling up effective pharmaceutical management interventions for HIV and AIDS and maternal and child health.
Health Financing in South Sudan
Countries are increasingly formalizing the role of the community health worker within their health systems, but many lack both financial resources to start and sustain community health programs and evidence on long-term costs—a stumbling block to securing funding. To help countries generate this evidence, we worked with UNICEF to develop the Community Health Planning and Costing Tool, which helps planners calculate the costs and financing for community programs at the national or sub-national level. Results can be used to evaluate performance, plan future programming, and develop investment cases. Since 2016, the tool has been used in 14 countries. In South Sudan, the government used the tool to design and mobilize resources to train and deploy community health workers.
In South Sudan, MSH strengthened pharmaceutical supply chain management at the national, state, and county levels by providing training for health workers and improving medicine storage facilities. Assistance to establish the Ministry of Health Logistics Management Unit, and introduce pharmaceutical management tools, supported the scale-up of malaria commodities and reproductive and maternal, newborn, and child health medicines. Our work helped to integrate TB services into routine primary health care services and trained clinicians, nurses, community health workers, and laboratory technicians on case management, identification, referral of presumptive TB cases, and timely treatment.
Implementing TB Activities In Emergency Settings: South Sudan
The Case for Investing in Community Health in South Sudan
Job Opportunities in South Sudan
Join us as we help solve the world’s public health challenges through innovation, dedication, and technical excellence. We are looking for talented, passionate people to join us—as employees, consultants, and interns—in advancing our mission to save lives and improve the health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.