Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health
Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health

With support from the Global Fund, we implemented the Nigeria Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) project to strengthen and expand the capacity of Nigeria’s health system. To address health issues in a sustainable, equitable, and effective manner, including services to combat TB, malaria, and HIV and AIDS, through RSSH, we:
- Improved laboratory systems and management
- Strengthened governance, coordination, logistics, and data use across HIV, TB, and malaria programs at the federal, state, and local government levels
- Strengthened the Nigerian health management information system
- Supported state-level interventions around public financial management, the state health insurance scheme, and health labor market assessments
As principal recipient to RSSH, we coordinated three government entities as subrecipients; enhanced sustainability of the work; and built national capacity to address system-wide constraints, prepare for and cope with future shocks to the health system, and support deeper integration of national HIV, TB, and malaria programs.
Nigeria’s response to COVID-19: How unity of purpose can combat our common enemy
Nwando Mba, Director of Public Health Laboratory Services at the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), discusses Nigeria’s efforts to increase the country’s testing capacity for coronavirus.
Donors & Partners
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Nigeria Center for Disease Control
Federal Ministry of Health – Department of Health Planning Research and Statistics
National Product Supply Chain Management Program