The NGO Communications Guide: A Guide to Developing a Communications Plan for NGOs working on HIV Prevention Projects in the Middle East and North Africa Region
The NGO Communications Guide: A Guide to Developing a Communications Plan for NGOs working on HIV Prevention Projects in the Middle East and North Africa Region
The NGO Communications Guide is designed to give those working in civil society organizations (CSOs) and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the areas of HIV and AIDS practical knowledge and tools to help them do two very specific things: One, learn to better tell the story of the work that they do; and two, develop an organizational communications plan. It was developed under the AIDSTAR-Two project on behalf of the Responding to MARPs in Middle East/North Africa Region project, and is written for those with little training or background in organizational communications. The guide is useful for those who may, in the course of their work, be tasked with building awareness of the work of their organization among many different audiences.