Leadership, Management, and Governance
Leadership, Management, and Governance

Developing Managers Who Lead
Strong health systems begin with inspired leadership; sound management; and accountable, transparent, and participatory governance. Health workers and managers need resources to support their work, and service users must hold health systems accountable for their performance. Health system leaders and managers need skills to engage stakeholders, motivate staff, improve quality, and implement interventions.
We have contributed to this field for more than three decades, bringing the best thinking and practices from organizational development and systems science to help health leaders, managers, and teams meet their most pressing challenges and achieve health results for their communities. Strong leadership, management, and governance practices lead to stronger systems that are better able to design and scale local innovations, deliver responsive quality care, meet ambitious health goals, and sustain health system improvements.
Through our team-based, experiential Leadership Development Program Plus (LDP+), we guide work teams at all levels of the health system—from national multisectoral coordination bodies to health facility governing boards and community health committees, and from district health management teams to multidisciplinary teams of health workers—through a data-driven process that strengthens institutional and individual leadership, builds management skills, and improves a team’s performance as it implements locally designed solutions that deliver measurable results in resource optimization, access to services, quality of care, and health outcomes.
MSH continues to build on this legacy by delivering our proven approaches through innovative modalities. Our Leading and Managing for Results in Pandemics program leverages blended learning to rapidly reach and strengthen National Public Health Institutes and subnational public health emergency management and response teams as they battle COVID-19 and prepare for future global health threats. Our Leadership and Management Accelerator broadens and deepens the reach of LDP+ through holistic, cost-effective, on-the-job learning that strengthens capacity in systems thinking and practice and builds concrete, job-relevant skills while increasing readiness for and speeding up the pace of organizational change. These practical, locally led approaches catalyze transformative shifts in team performance to foster a culture of excellence, shared responsibility, responsive services, and continuous improvement.
Management Sciences for Health, Liberian Government Partner with USAID to Strengthen Liberia’s Health System
Under the Local Health Solutions (LHS) Activity in Liberia, MSH will provide guidance and support to six Liberian organizations—four of which are women-led—as they implement a package of quality improvement and health systems strengthening interventions in targeted counties to improve primary health care services.
Equipping Nurses with the Leadership and Management Accelerator (LMA)
Developed by MSH, the Leadership and Management Accelerator (LMA) provides structured performance improvement processes and evidence-based team behaviors to give nurses the skills and confidence to build on what they know and create a work culture that fosters high-performing teams and produces results.
Meet Our Technical Experts
Please direct all inquiries or speaking engagement requests to one from our Technical Experts to Jordan Coriza at jcoriza@msh.org or 617-250-9107.