Assistance for Families and Indigent Afghans to Thrive (AFIAT)
Assistance for Families and Indigent Afghans to Thrive (AFIAT)
Assistance for Families and Indigent Afghans to Thrive (AFIAT) strives to improve the quality of primary and secondary health and nutrition services in targeted rural areas; increase access to high-impact and evidence-based health and nutrition services; enhance adoption of optimal health and nutrition behaviors by communities and households; coordinate and standardize medical supply management across all stakeholders; optimize registration and import procedures for medical commodities; and collaborate with partners to plan, finance, and manage resilient health services.
By applying proven methods and innovations, our approach will result in sustainable improvements in maternal and child health, family planning and reproductive health, TB, and nutrition, particularly for women and preschool children, youth, men, and rural Afghans. To sustain these outcomes, we will work with partners to increase public and private investments in health and increase transparency and accountability.
Putting Systems Thinking into Practice in Afghanistan
While Afghanistan’s health system has seen steady improvements over the last two decades, a complex set of interconnected challenges presents persistent barriers that impede the delivery of universal health care services, especially in remote or otherwise underserved areas. To navigate these challenges, a systems thinking approach is crucial.