For more than 25 years, we have partnered with the Government of Kenya to strengthen its health system─from improving health financing to effectively implement programs that improve pharmaceutical and laboratory systems, health information, and the capacity of health care workers.

We work with local health leaders and service providers in Kenya to improve access to quality, patient-centered family planning and reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services. Over the years, our work has focused on strengthening pharmaceutical supply chains to improve distribution, forecasting, quantification, inventory management, and supply planning for medicines and health commodities needed to improve maternal and child health and reach national goals for the control of HIV and TB. We are helping to improve infection prevention and control capacity, optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines, and strengthen multisectoral coordination for containing antimicrobial resistance in Kenya. In line with these activities, we have supported the country in its efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 by implementing a national strategy in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and county governments.
The Costs and Financing Needs of Delivering Kenya’s Primary Health Care Service Package
Webinar: Health Workforce Development through the Lens of Sustainable, Locally Led Development
In this webinar, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) discusses country partnerships in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, focusing on how various health workforce interventions are taking a systems-approach to capacity strengthening in order to ensure that improvements last beyond the project cycle and are managed under the ongoing custodianship of local actors.